Freelance Project: Write template issue-based Campaigns for groups of organizing workers.
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UPDATE: As of 7/8/20 we have filled the open projects for freelance roles at this time. We can accept applications for future opportunities, but are no longer hiring for the below projects. Thank you for your consideration.
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Overview: is seeking freelance writers with organizing, labor, collective bargaining, or worker demand creation experience for project-basis assignments to write sample/template campaigns on common workplace issues.
Project description:
Frank recently launched an early private beta with plans to roll out expanded product later in 2020. Freelancers will be asked to generate sample organizing campaigns on one or more of the topics listed below. We will conduct a paid interview to discuss Campaigns, and from there, determine campaign topics and alignment to move forward with full assignment.
These sample campaigns will serve as guides and/or starting templates for workers looking to organize in their workplace. While freelancers will have a high degree of latitude in structure, campaigns should be produced with templatizing in mind. Campaigns should include sections addressing why an issue is important, potential ways it can be addressed or changed in the workplace, and potential worker actions. Campaigns can be based on real-world examples if appropriate. These campaigns should be educational and informative to the worker, include tips, links, research, or examples, and will be fully editable / customizable by the workers groups. They should be written in the voice of a worker that is organizing with coworkers and preparing to send the campaign to management.
We are soliciting campaigns on the following topics (please note, we are open to other ideas, campaigns, or feedback on this list):
About you:
Our ideal freelancer has experience in community, political, or labor organizing or other community-building work. They may or may not have professional content creation experience but possesses strong written communication skills and deeply understands the subject matter for the campaign they are drafting.
Frank will prioritize freelancers that are representative of the workers we seek to serve. We strongly encourage BIPOC and women to apply for this opportunity.
We expect to engage 5–10 freelancers on this project. If engaged on the project, the first step is a generative research session that is budgeted for $100.00 (one hour via video call). We are conducting these sessions in June and July 2020.
Content creation is a work-for-hire freelance assignment with a planned rate of $1,000 per campaign. Each piece is targeted to be between 500–750 words. We request these pieces be completed before August 2020. We are open to byline requests.
How to apply:
Please email with your resume or link to your work, a brief note explaining your interest, and which sub-categories, mentioned above, you are interested in working on.
About us:
Frank is a digital tool for non-management workers, in any type of job, to privately organize with their coworkers and create campaigns to improve their workplace. A place where workers can get together, talk about what needs to be better at work, and create a plan to make it happen. We are a Public Benefit Corporation based in Chicago. You can read more about us here.